Accommodation in Brief
Living Room: (4.72m×3.82m)
Painted hardwood fireplace with slate hearth, open fire and cast-iron insert, laminate wooden floor.
Entrance Hall:
Hardwood entrance door, tiled floor.
Kitchen: (6.01m x 3.27m)
Fitted kitchens with painted doors, stainless sink and drainer, plumbed for washing machine. Electric cooker with extractor fan over. Tiled floor, patio door to rear gardens.
2-piece suite incorporating toilet and sink.
Carpet stairs to:
First floor accommodation:
Landing: loft access.
Bedroom One: (3.8m×3.56m)
Laminate wooden floor
Ensuite with enclosed shower cubicle, W. C. wash hand basin, tiled floor.
Bedroom Two: (2.98m×2.39m)
Laminate wooden floor
Bedroom Three: (3.31m×3.02m)
Laminate wooden floor
White suite comprising of bath with shower over, WC, pedestal wash hand basin. Tiled floor, partly tiled walls
Hot press.
Stoned drive, large, enclosed garden with flagged patio.